Pre-Doctoral/Master Program
Introduction to MPhil/MSc/MBA/PhD/DBA Research
Why Choose Introduction to MPhil/MSc/MBA/PhD/DBA Research?
The Research Club Pre-Doctoral/Master Program is specifically designed for students who want to fully prepare for a DBA or PhD or Master degree at any university in the world. Entry to doctoral or master studies is increasingly competitive so it is vital that you understand the research process and have a clearly defined research idea before embarking on a doctoral or master research program. This program will help you do just that.

Introduction to MPhil/MSc/MBA/PhD/DBA Research 1,2, 3 & 4
On completion of the four Introduction to MPhil/MSc/MBA/PhD/DBA Research courses, you will receive the award certification Research Methods
Introduction to MPhil/MSc/MBA/PhD/DBA Research 1
The Basics - this course gives you a basic understanding of:
Module 1: Introduction to research
What is Research?
What is Master or PhD?
Different types of doctorate and master (MPhil/MSc/MBA/PhD/DBA)
What are the requirements of a PhD or Master?
Different ways of studying
Research Terminology
Programs and subscriptions for data collection and research
Module 2: Selection research advisor and university
Finding the right supervisor
Who are they?
How to contact a supervisor
Do you get on well with him or her?
How much time will he or she have for you?
Is he or she experienced at supervising?
What stage of career is he or she at?
Second supervisors
Finding the right university
Research cultures
Select a university
The application form
Interview with advisor and admission office
Student visas
What fees will you have to pay?
How to apply
What do you need?
University accommodation
Private accommodation
Introduction to MPhil/MSc/MBA/PhD/DBA Research 2
The research proposal - this course gives you understanding of:
Module 1: Selection of Research Topic
brainstorm for ideas
choose a topic that will enable you to read and understand the literature
ensure that the topic is manageable, and that material is available
define your topic as a focused research question
formulate a thesis statement
Research topic feasibility
Module 2: Concept of Research
What research is and how it is carried out.
The concept of research
Empirical theory
Experimental and observational research
Basic research techniques
Qualitative and quantitative research
Module 3: Research proposal
Research problem
Research questions
Research aim
Research Objectives
Research Methods
Research outcome
Link Research problem with Research Objectives
Research keywords
Developing a research timetable
Writing detailed research proposal
Introduction to MPhil/MSc/MBA/PhD/DBA Research 3
The Literature Review and Research Methods - this course gives you understanding of:
Module 1: The Literature Review
Focus on your research objectives
Referencing Description vs critical evaluation
Learning theory and your dissertation
Structuring your Literature Review
Module 2: The dissertation Introduction
The general structure of the Introduction
Research focus (revisited)
Overall research aim and individual research objectives
Value of your research
A further suggestion
Module 3: Research Methods
Research strategy
Quantitative vs qualitative research
Sampling techniques
Positivism and phenomenology
Justifying your research strategy
reliability (and validity)
Data collection Preparation
Framework for data analysis
Limitations and potential problems
Introduction to MPhil/MSc/MBA/PhD/DBA Research 4
Research Methodology, Data Collection and Analysis, Results and Conclusions - this course gives you understanding of:
Module 1: Data collection and analysis
Statistical techniques for data collection, analysis and drawing conclusions
Data collection and analysis techniques
Distributions, inference, significance, variance
Regression, correlation, regression analysis
Time series, stationary series, trends, forecasting errors
Pilot studies and theory refinement
Literature re-evaluation and theory refinement
Generating preliminary research results
Formulating results validation studies
Validation feedback and re-evaluation of research results.
Module 2: Writing up your findings
The general approach
The process of description, analysis and synthesis
Module 3: Concluding your dissertation
What’s in a Conclusion?
Research objectives: summary of findings and conclusions
Contribution to knowledge
Self-reflection Summary of key points
Module 4: Practical issues
Presenting your work and preparing for a viva
Presenting your work: common mistakes
Preparing for a viva
The marking scheme
Good grammar
A word of warning: plagiarism
What counts as plagiarism?
What if you are accused of plagiarism?
Learning outcomes
As a result of their training in research methods students are expected to have developed the following skills and be able to apply them in practical research contexts:
comprehension of principles of research design and strategy, including an understanding of how to formulate research questions which are amenable to empirical investigation and an appreciation of alternative approaches to research;
competence in understanding and applying a broad range of research methods, (including quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods), and the use of appropriate software for their application;
the development of advanced research skills and techniques relevant to their field of study;
capabilities for managing research, including data management, and conducting and disseminating research in a way that is consistent with both professional practice and the normal principles of research ethics;
understanding of the significance of alternative epistemological positions that provide the context for theory construction, research design, and the selection of appropriate analytical techniques;
understanding of the basics of probability, and a critical understanding of the scientific method and of the nature of reflexivity; and
understanding of the application of good ethical practice across the entire research process.
Accredited, Flexible and Affordable
Flexible Schedule
State of the Art Campus