We provide online and face-to-face courses in research skills and software, to researchers of all experience levels. Our training will enable you to work smarter, and help you produce an outstanding piece of research that will impress your examiners and peer reviewers. Courses are taught by experienced researchers – we don’t just teach research, we’re actively engaged in the process ourselves and understand the challenges involved.
Learning outcomes
As a result of their training in research methods students are expected to have developed the following skills and be able to apply them in practical research contexts:
comprehension of principles of research design and strategy, including an understanding of how to formulate research questions which are amenable to empirical investigation and an appreciation of alternative approaches to research;
competence in understanding and applying a broad range of research methods, (including quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods), and the use of appropriate software for their application;
the development of advanced research skills and techniques relevant to their field of study;
capabilities for managing research, including data management, and conducting and disseminating research in a way that is consistent with both professional practice and the normal principles of research ethics;
understanding of the significance of alternative epistemological positions that provide the context for theory construction, research design, and the selection of appropriate analytical techniques;
understanding of the basics of probability, and a critical understanding of the scientific method and of the nature of reflexivity; and
understanding of the application of good ethical practice across the entire research process.
Our online courses are presented live, and you can ask questions in real time. You don’t need any special software to attend – just click a link and you’ll be in the course. Face-to-face courses are held in our Kuwait City, Riyadh, and Dubai – maximum class size is 12 participants, so there’s lots of individual attention. Any course can also be customised for your organisation or research team – contact us to discuss your requirements.
Can’t make the course date(s)? We can arrange individual tuition, or you can purchase a recording of a previous session to watch at your convenience. We’d like to make it as easy as possible for you to upskill in the areas you need – just let us know what we can do to help!